The IELTS Speaking test will assess your proficiency in spoken English. It is conducted face-to-face with a trained IELTS examiner and all Speaking tests are recorded.You will be asked to answer questions in context to real life situation. Your ability to communicate in English will be tested here. Please find points to help you navigate through the speaking module
The speaking test usually takes place after the other parts of the test.
It’s duration is 11 -14 minutes.
It is one to one speaking interview which is recorded at the same time.
The speaking test has three parts :
Round 1 (3-4 minutes): The examiner asks general questions about yourself and everyday situations.
Round 2 (3-4 minutes): It is a monologue where the examiner asks to describe a simple topic. The candidate is expected to prepare the topic for one minute and speak for another two minutes.
Round 3 (4-5 minutes): This section is an extension of the cue card question where the candidate expresses his opinion on topics closely related to the cue card question.